Monday, August 24, 2009

We found wood and made a headboard!

We did it!! We pulled up the carpet and look what we found. Can you believe it, the people who lived here before us had the audacity to paint the wood floors a red/brown color and they did not paint the entire floor? The best I can figure out is that they had a rug on the floor and were too lazy to move it so they painted around it. Yes, that is correct, I have two squares on my floor of untreated and unpainted wood. So I guess I can add sanding the floors to the ever growing list of things to do. I wish I had a goblin or gnome under the stairs that would take care of this list of mine and any time I had a new project I would let him out of his hole:) Oh, and the floors are not that dirty, I had some dust on my camera lens.
The last of the blue nasty

So Katherine and Jacob came to town and while the boys were off fishing Katherine and I pulled up the above carpet and upholstered our headboard. I had made the frame before they came with some of the old wood panelling and studs(yeah for recycling). So when Katherine arrived we were able to put the foam, batting, fabric and tuft with the buttons I covered. PS:covering buttons HURTS, my fingers are still sore. I am really happy with the results though I think I could make a better one now that I know all the steps and can correct my mistakes. But my fingers need a rest and there is no way I am doing that again! While my dad was here he got me some much needed tools and one of the things we picked out was a really cool hand saw. I told him if I was going to saw then I needed to do it with something pretty, isn't she a beut?

Please ignore the wood panelling behind the headboard. It really takes away from the beauty of the headboard:( I will take another picture once we have painted.