Monday, August 17, 2009

OMG, I have jello arms!!

Lee had the day off!!! So, I can barely type tonight cause we pulled down half the plaster to expose the brick. Just wanted to show you the pics. I will write more tomorrow. Not sure who in the world thought this was a good idea:) We have a layer of dust on everything as you will see. Our friend Esther came over to help and we were covered in plaster dust but she was a trooper and we had a good time. Also, if you ever need motivation to get a job done, call Esther, she is good!!!!

Micah, those big enough for you?


  1. A. I love the progress.
    2. I'm going to need bigger pictures.

  2. A. Thank you, we are having a ton of fun doing it.
    2. I will try to figure that out for you.
