Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Stairs are going down!

I am so sick of the stars and their NEVER ending issues. I had a mini meltdown today over them and I even threw a piece of wood across the room at one point cause I was so mad. It was only a tiny piece, but hey I had a temper tantrum! Anyway, I was building a frame today for the vents that go under the last step and every thing I touched, used, drilled, etc would fall a part, split into or I would accidently knock down. Enter temper tantrum. I walked away for a few moments, collected myself and said, this is not going to beat ME!!!! After that, I got it done. It looks like poo because the floor slants which caused my frame to slant which caused the vent to slant, BUT I got it done...whew. AND on top of that fiasco, I sanded the edge of each step yesterday, cleaned them, and kilz'd(fancy name for Primed them:) them and when I woke up this morning it looked like poo too. The white primer made every nook, cranny, defect, missed sanded spot stand out even more than before with the fake wood paint job. I almost feel like knocking the entire stair case down and starting from scratch. SO here is what I have or have not accomplished in the past two days.

These are the vents I added with the frame that I hate. Notice downward slant of the right vent...makes me soooo mad!

This is the giant mess I made in my fury.

nooks & crannies...forgot to take a picture of the painted stairs, do that tomorrow


  1. haha! this is hilarious! just discovered your blog. Thanks for making me feel better about renting, something we'll probably be doing for at least another 10 years. Please be sure to blog about Arthur The Dog getting into various forms of trouble so I can feel better about being pet free! :) love ya, girl!

  2. Keep it up, Mary Chaney! Your fans are counting on you!
